Sandra Donabed
Sandra has an MS in Art Education from Massachusetts College of Art Boston, MA, a BFA from Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y., and AS Design Major From Endicott College, Beverly, MA in Interior Design.
Sandra has always sewn, a legacy from her mom, the home ec teacher. In addition, she has always loved to experiment with art techniques and materials. Quilting came to her when she was a young mother–something that was portable, non-toxic, and could be done in odd moments between duties. She had something to work on as she would sit in carpool lines, wait at trombone lessons, or hunker down in the car during rainy soccer Saturdays.
It was her meditative outlet during hard times, a way to explore the humorous minutiae of daily life and a documentation of a developing feminist attitude. Lately, she has branched out and is experimenting with different media, though she keeps returning back to quilts drawn by her love of fibers.