Days & Times:
All Levels Welcome
395 Seabrook Road - Studio F
In this 3-day workshop, each person will make a 20-30lb sculpture or planter.
Day 1 – We dry mix sand and cement together and set it aside in 5 gallon buckets. We prepare our forms and turntable workstations then have a computer slide show presentation of the technique and my work.
Day 2 – 9AM – 6PM. We start immediately upon arrival where we mix water into our dry mix and get it into the forms. We wait until it is set and, usually right after lunch, we carve our soft, setting (slowly getting harder) matrix until we are finished.
Day 3 – Now that our work has set overnight it has cured enough to move. We remove it from our workstations, trim the foot, hose it off and clean up the area.
View Elder Jones’s work at