
Narrative Vessel with Amalia Mermingas

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February 8 @ 8:58 am

This class will delve into the realm of handbuilt vessels, with an emphasis on coil, slab, and surface decoration. We will build conventional forms (amphoras, moon jars, bottles) on a large scale. Decorative planters, mugs, and platters will also be covered. Students will build a personal visual vocabulary to develop…


Observational Drawing with Graphite and Charcoal with Allison Berkner

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February 8 @ 8:58 am

Learn the basics of drawing with graphite and Charcoal. The instructor will use different drawing exercises to help students practice their observational skills and get comfortable with the materials. Observational Drawing with Graphite and Charcoal Supply List


Intro to Jewelry & Metalsmithing with Lisa Johnson

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February 8 @ 8:58 am

Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of metalsmithing through instructor demonstrations, one-on-one instruction, and hands-on experience with hand tools, flex shafts, and torches. Each student will learn to design, pierce, drill, solder, and set a cabochon stone. Students will work with sterling silver, brass, and copper throughout this course…


Monumental Sculpture with Amalia Mermingas

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February 8 @ 8:58 am

This class will focus on Handbuilding with an emphasis on coil building and surface decoration. The students will explore building on a larger “monumental” scale, and develop their own visual narratives in clay. Each student will learn how to embellish the surface of their sculptures with colored slips, underglazes, sgraffito,…


Youth Draw and Paint (Ages 5-7) with Theresa Miles

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February 8 @ 8:58 am

This beginning course for little learners is an introduction to drawing and painting materials. Through guided drawing lessons, students will create in their own style and at their own developmental level. Mediums used are pencils, crayons, colored pencil, markers, watercolor paints, and tempera paints. Subjects include portraits, animals in landscapes, and fun abstracts. Instilling good habits in young artists, students will…


Wheel I with Ron Shaw

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February 8 @ 8:58 am

This class will introduce you to the fundamental skills necessary to center clay and produce beginning to intermediate pottery forms such as cups, mugs, bowls, plates, cylinders, and vases.  Learn about the balance between aesthetic and utilitarian concerns with this in-depth and fun wheel throwing class.


Wheel II with Chad Steve

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February 8 @ 8:58 am

This class continues the journey into wheel-formed pottery. This hands-on class includes wheel and glaze demonstrations, critiques, kiln-loading. Types of vessel construction covered in this class include lidded forms, pouring vessels, handles, and large forms. As well as glaze application and firing techniques.
