Textiles & Fiber

Origami Butterfly Workshop with John Wienke

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February 8 @ 8:12 am

Come create Origami Base Butterflies. This course uses the Michael LaFosse and Richard Alexander’s technique to fold origami butterflies. All supplies are included.


Quilted iPad Case with Zipper with Camille Perrin

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February 8 @ 8:12 am

Have some fun with your stash of scraps, learn a new way to make a functional zipper bag with an angle! Create an intricate quilted item using scraps and unconventional shapes. The piece is built one geometric segment at a time. We will use some templates and some “invented” shapes…


Visible Mending with Kerri On

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February 8 @ 8:12 am

Give beloved, well-worn belongings new life with this fun and creative hand sewing workshop! Learn different ways to visibly patch and mend that favorite, but worn out, pair of jeans in your closet. We will use embroidery, patchwork, shisiko, and other techniques to repair and embellish holes in clothing. Please…


Acrylic Marbling On Papers & A Silk Scarf Too! with Peggy Wertheim

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February 8 @ 8:12 am

This workshop will give you a taste of working with marbling patterns! Unlike many Art Forms which take years to master, marbling will inspire you with instant gratification and success! Traditional marbling techniques using carrageenan and acrylic paints will be demonstrated. You will learn various patterns to create marbled papers which you…


Mini Textile Nature Collage with Kerri On

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February 8 @ 8:12 am

Look like a domestic goddess and learn how to create easy, hand-sewn collages! These simple, colorful designs can be mounted to a greeting card and sent as happy mail. They can be matted and framed, or hung on the wall, as-is. This beginner-friendly workshop will approach the basics of fiber…


Exploring Cyanotype with Cathy Heeter

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February 8 @ 8:12 am

“This two day workshop is designed for the student who wants to learn about the cyanotype process, its unique history and explore its various applications. Students will be printing botanicals as well as other items on paper, fabric and various substrates and will be learning several techniques in order to…


Cottagecore Denim: Embellishing Jeans with Embroidery & More with Kerri On

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February 8 @ 8:12 am

Bring jeans, dish towels, button down shirts, denim jackets, and miniskirts to this fun and fashionable fiber art workshop. Learn simple ways to embellish your wardrobe by adding beaded and embroidered accents to your clothing! Make one of a kind threads that express your unique personality. Learn embroidery stitches and…


Wearable Art: Silkscreens & Block Printing with Kerri On

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February 8 @ 8:12 am

Create functional, wearable, hand-printed art! In this beginner-friendly fiber art class, students will be introduced to silkscreen and linoleum block printing on fabric. Through group demos, one-on-one guidance, and hands-on experience, students will learn about printing techniques, tools, fabrics, and inks. Each student will learn to make and print a…


Not Your Mother’s Embroidery Sampler! with Kerri On

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February 8 @ 8:12 am

Join the slow-stitching movement! Or, refresh your memory of an old, favorite hobby with this non-traditional embroidery workshop. Learn fresh, or brush up, on sewing basics in a zero-judgment zone! Go home with a hand-sewn sample of stitchery that doubles as a ready-to-hang piece of art. With group demos and…


Improvisational Quilting with Camille Perrin

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February 8 @ 8:12 am

This class will demonstrate the magic of working without a pattern and letting your “stash” speak for itself. We will work with shapes and fabric arrangements that do not follow any templates or rules. The outcome will be surprisingly beautiful and will spark the imagination for additional techniques with embellishments…
