Open Studios

Days & Times:

Thursdays, 1pm - 4pm


All Levels Welcome


373 Tequesta Drive - Studio B

Open Portrait Studio
Open Studio is an uninstructed session in which Lighthouse ArtCenter provides the studio and a model. The monitor will direct the poses of the model throughout the session. These sessions are excellent for students who wish to learn the most important aspects of drawing the human form: anatomy, proportion, composition, motion, drawing from memory, and capturing emotion. Students are welcome to work in any medium of their choice.

Open Studio requires a minimum of 4 participants to run

Open Portrait Studio

Open Portrait Studio is an uninstructed session in which the ArtCenter provides the studio and a model. The monitor will direct the poses of the model throughout the session. These sessions are excellent for students who wish to learn the most important aspects of drawing the human form: anatomy, proportion, composition, motion, drawing from memory, and capturing emotion. Students are welcome to work in any medium of their choice.

The price for Open Portrait Studio is $20
Location: 2D Studio-Studio C

Models interested in modeling for these sessions should contact Serin Leas at 561-746-3101 or

Models are paid a set fee for each session.

Ceramics Open Studio (Members Only)
The Open Studio schedule is created the first week of each session - all other arrangements must be by appointment only.

Open Studio is 3 hours, once per week, and free for students currently taking in-person classes.

Students registered for virtual classes have scheduled glazing and firing time for their class.
​Additional open studio time may be purchased for $40 (4-weeks, once per week, for 3 hours).
Students are responsible for signing in and out, as well as cleaning their work area. No models or materials are provided.

Jewelry Open Studio (Members Only)
The Open Studio schedule is created the first week of each session, all other arrangements must be by appointment only.

Open Studio is free for students currently taking in-person classes.

LAC Members not taking a class or workshop may purchase open studio through registration for $40 per 3-hr day. Registrants must have Beginning level jewelry skills - studio safety, operation of a torch, and other studio equipment.

Jewelry & Glass:
Contact us at 561-746-3101 for the open studio schedule made available the first week of classes each session

2-D Open Studio A
Three hours of open studio time free when students register for a regularly scheduled class.

Open Studio Hours: Tuesday 9:00am-12:00pm

2-D Open Studio B
Three hours of open studio time free when students register for a regularly scheduled class.

Open Studio Hours: Friday 12:00pm-3:00pm

2-D Open Studio C
Three hours of open studio time free when students register for a regularly scheduled class.

Open Studio Hours: Monday 9:00am-12:00pm