Session Dates:
Winter: January 6 - March 1 (8 weeks)
Spring: March 3 - April 26 (8 weeks)
Late Spring: April 28 - May 24 (4 weeks)
Days & Times:
All Levels Welcome
385 Flex Space
Unlike many Art Forms which take years to master, marbling will inspire you with instant gratification and success! Peggy teaches the traditional marbling techniques with carrageenan and acrylic paints on paper, cotton & silk. You will learn intricate breathtaking patterns of Feather, Bird Wing, Chevron, Peacock, Spanish Wave, Stone Marble etc. to create lots of marbled papers, cottons (fat quarters) and a Silk Scarf too. These marbled papers and fabrics can be incorporated into greeting cards, scrapbooking, quilting, collages, framed art, journal covers and so much more. Reference books & extensive handout packet for you. Bring your love of art, your creativity & your curiosity!
All materials and equipment are provided and included in your tuition. Bring lunch or feel free to order from local restaurants.
Days & Times:
All Levels Welcome
373 Tequesta Drive - Studio A
Many of us travel, whether real or imagined. Learn how to document your travels through watercolor and colored pencil on a small scale. Explore techniques, methods, and materials to pack in your suitcase for your next adventure. Photography is an excellent way to document your journey, however, painting or drawing a place deepens the experience. Learn how to paint moments from previous/future trips or paint your way into a dream trip. Using memories and captured moments, participants will paint and draw from photos in the studio, en plein air (outside), and will ultimately create a collection of small works in a book, telling a travel story.
Days & Times:
Any level is acceptable, but a working knowledge of your medium is necessary, as Kathleen will not be teaching how to use a medium.
373 Tequesta Dr. Studio C
Learn how to capture a charming, sunlit cottage that Kathleen is so well known for! She will teach you step-by-step all the elements that make a captivating painting, filled with light. In addition to learning what colors to use to exaggerate the light, she will include what to look for in compositional elements, focal point and color harmony, including how to capture a good photograph to use for a painting. Weather permitting, we will go outside to observe the sunlight and shadow. Kathleen will provide photographs for you to paint from or you may bring your own. Kathleen is an award-winning artist and a generous, thorough teacher who also spends individual time with each student. Her paintings and accreditations may be viewed at
Days & Times:
Intermediate to Advanced
373 Tequesta Dr. Studio C
Days & Times:
All Levels Welcome
One of the most common mistakes painters make is to forget to bring exciting light into their paintings. Even when compositions and other aspects work well something is often missing in the presentation of light. Mark will show you how to fix this problem by applying many of his favorite techniques acquired over his 40 years as a full time artist and illustrator. This fun, two day workshop will focus on the power of values which shift from light to dark. Whether you are a beginner or professional Mark will bring you to the next level. Expect each day to begin with some general lessons and at least one demo followed by one on one instruction for the rest of the day. A group critique will be available for anyone who would like to participate late in the afternoon on the second day. Students are encouraged to bring any medium they feel comfortable with, Mark will be using oil paints.
Days & Times:
All Levels Welcome
373 Tequesta Dr. Studio C
On the first day, We will visit a local farm with cows and other livestock where we will take studies and sketches, and hopefully finish a Plein Air painting.
Our second day will be used to paint from our sketches and Plein Air paintings that we did on the previous day to use to finish a studio painting.
Days & Times:
All Levels Welcome
373 Tequesta Dr. Studio C
- How to plan a composition that will be effective for the artist’s intentions and preferences
- How to better see and use warm and cool color in landscape
- How to command hardness and softness of the edges to create space in a painting
- How to simplify the subject matter through the use of basic design, value, color and drawing skills
- How to consider the reasons for different paint surface textures, and brushstroke direction over the forms
- How to get the best possible results in a short time.
Days & Times:
All Levels Welcome
385 Flex Space
This workshop will give you a taste of working with marbling patterns! Unlike many Art Forms which take years to master, marbling will inspire you with instant gratification and success! Traditional marbling techniques using carrageenan and acrylic paints will be demonstrated. You will learn various patterns to create marbled papers which you can then incorporate into greeting cards, collages, framed art, journal covers, etc. AND you will also create 1 MARBLED Silk Scarf. All materials and equipment are provided and included in your tuition.
Days & Times:
All Levels Welcome
373 Tequesta Dr. Studio C
Learn to draw expressive figures with ease from a live model. This workshop will explore the figure’s basic structure to develop beautiful designs using a number of fun and creative shading finishes for both the figure and the background. The first session will emphasize composition, quick sketching techniques, negative spaces, and the structure of the figure, while the second session will show how to use light and diverse shading techniques to create volumes that jump off the page.
Days & Times:
All Levels Welcome
373 Tequesta Dr. Studio C
Learn to create beautiful contemporary nude figures in oil. This two-day workshop will explore the nude female figure and the use of different color palette compositions to portray light, volumes, and emotions. The first morning will start with oil technique demonstrations and color theory and composition exercises to help you develop an idea for your piece. The instructor will work with you for the remainder of the workshop to help you create a composition based on a live model, and guide you through the process of mixing and applying oils to your canvas using a variety of techniques and tools.